Hemanth Chittanuru (hchittanuru3),
Kenny Scharm (kscharm3), Raghav Raj Mittal (rmittal34), Sarah Li (sli469) CS 6476 Computer Vision - Class Project Georgia Tech, Fall 2019
The code for this project can be found in this repository.
The purpose of this project is to match images of dogs with images of cats (and vice versa) based on color and texture. For example, given an input image of a cat, we wish to find an image of a dog from our dataset that it most similar in terms of fur/skin color and pattern. Our architecture consists of using Mask R-CNN to segment the animal from the image, obtaining a fused feature representation of color and texture features and clustering the images based on similarity. The expected input is a real color image of a dog or a cat. The desired output is an image of the opposite animal type with the most similar fur/skin color and pattern. We evaluate multiple clustering techniques such as k-means, mean shift, and Gaussian mixture model (GMMs) to see which produces the best results.
Sample input-output pair
We were inspired to do this project by this article. This is an application of content-based image retrieval. We are performing image retrieval based on color and texture, which is common practice in CBIR research. Our approach differs from previous work in the juxtaposition of image segmentation and CBIR. We aim to see how well this combined approach performs. This project is an interesting and fun application of various computer vision techniques.
PetSwap Pipeline
Our system contains three distinct components: animal image segmentation, color/texture representation, and clustering. With these three steps we are able to take any input image of a dog or a cat and output an image with the most similar color and texture. We can simply query our pre-trained clusters with the color/texture representation of the image and return the closest image. We test various clustering techniques to see which one performs the best.
Animal Image Segmentation
We use Mask R-CNN to segment the animal out of the image. This model has already been pre-trained on the COCO dataset, which contains color images and segmentation masks of dogs and cats (among many other objects). We used this Mask R-CNN model to segment the animals out of our two datasets (see Datasets subsection under Experiments and Results). The next step is to feed the segmented animals into our texture/color histogram generator and map each feature representation to the image using a dictionary.
Color/Texture Representation
Once we produce the segmented animal image, we extract color and texture features. We use this color/texture combination to generate a 24-dimensional feature representation. First, we find the mean and standard deviation of the red, green and blue channels of the image. Second, we convert the image's color space to YCbCr and compute the mean and standard deviation across the channels to obtain another feature. Lastly, we calculate a histogram of the HSV color space.
For the texture features, we use a Gray Level co-occurence matrix, which is characterization of the texture of the image. Using this matrix, we extract statistical measures to use as features.
We cluster images of dogs and cats together by feature vector similarity, where each data point has a dog or cat label. Once we cluster our training data from the dog and cat datasets, we evaluate the performance by testing it with our test sets (see Datasets subsection). When there is a query to our system, we first predict the closest cluster center. Once we are within the cluster, we then select the closest feature vector. Doing so will reduce the time complexity of the algorithm, as it removes the need to compare the query feature vector with that of every image in the dataset to find the closest match. The closest image of the opposite animal type is then returned to the user.
We qualitatively evaluated three different clustering techniques--namely k-means, mean shift, and GMM--by testing multiple images of both animal types (see Experiments and Results).
Experiments and Results
Experimental Setup
We use two main datasets--one containing images of cats and the other containing images of dogs. The Cat Dataset includes 10,000 cat images and the Stanford Dogs Dataset includes over 20,000 images of dogs, classified by breed.
Before using these datasets to train our clusters, we first pre-processed the data. This involved extracting images from the dog and cat datasets, while also ignoring other metadata files. The dog dataset was manually shuffled so that the images were no longer separated by breed.
We divided each animal dataset into a 90% "training" and 10% testing split. In this case, the training data is the pre-clustered images. The data is now prepared for the Experimental Setup.
As a side note, we use a pre-trained Mask R-CNN model for image segmentation. This is trained on the COCO dataset.
Existing Code
We rely heavily on the following python libraries: scikit-image and OpenCV.
Clustering algorithms:
Quantitatively, we define success for the project to be the elbow of the k vs SSE curve and having a distance of 10% (of the mean distance) between input and output images. We also qualitatively evaluate how close the dogs and cats look by have multiple people use our system and provide feedback.
Mask R-CNN
We hypothesized that Mask R-CNN would be accurate when segmenting dog and cat images from the other datasets. Since the Mask R-CNN model was pre-trained on COCO, it was effective in accurately segmenting out cat and dog images. Using the demo code from the original author of Mask R-CNN, we were able to successfully segment out objects in custom images.
We processed the output futher to remove bounding boxes and segmentation masks that did not correspond to the dog and cat classes.
We then extracted pixels corresponing to the remaining masks, and use these pixel values to compute a feature representation of the object.
One major drawback of Mask R-CNN is the compute power and processing time it requires to segment images. The GPU we used simply could not handle Tensorflow models with 10,000+ images without running out of memory. For this reason, we used a subset of the dog and cat data. We ended up clustering roughly 8,800 images, where half were dog images and half were cat images.
Foreground Feature Representation
We implemented various feature extractors based on color and texture and experimented with which combination of those feature extractors provide the best clustering result. The best representation was the 24-dimensional vector described in our approach above.
Distance Function
When determining the similarity of two images, there are a number of distance metrics that could be used. With our feature representation, Euclidean distance is the best option. The results are shown in the next section.
Clustering Algorithm
We chose to cluster all images together, with the hopes that our cluster centers would more accurately model color/feature similarity using more data. The first part of our approach was to experiment with different clustering methods.
We attempted both hard (k-means and mean shift) and soft (GMM) clustering methods. Hard clustering assigns each point to a cluster definitively, whereas soft clustering uses a probabilistic approach to assign probabilities of belonging to each cluster for each point.
We expected hard clustering to give cleaner results, but soft clustering to discover new insights missing from hard clustering. The results from all three methods are shown below. To improve our model we tried varying the value of k in hard clustering techniques.
This was key to finding meaningful groups in the dataset. If the clusters were too small, similar images were not as easy to find. On the other hand, clusters that were too large grouped dissimilar images together. We decided this using the elbow method, which finds the optimal value for k.
Observing the below graph, we can see that there was not a smooth curve when we plotted SSE vs k. So, we chose k to be 440, which appeared to have a low enough error that straightened out as the value of k increased.
Gaussian mixture model:
To choose the number of components in our Gaussian Mixture Model, we used Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The optimal number of clusters is one that minimizes AIC and BIC. Observing the below graph, we can say that it is around 15.
Using the Mask R-CNN implementation, and updating it to detect cats and dogs only, we can produce the following succesful segmentation:
Input to Mask R-CNN
Output of Mask R-CNN
Here are the results of our proposed system given several input images using different clustering techniques:
Query Image
K Means
Mean Shift
Gaussian Mixture
We used our system with multiple images, and the above table is representative of the general trends we found. We saw that GMM performed worse than mean shift and k-means clustering, as can be seen with example 1 and 2. In other examples, we saw that mean-shift performed sligthly better than k-means. There were also a few failure cases where the system didn't output an image similar to the input query. We also see that the textures of the input and output animals are less similar than the colors.
Conclusion/Future Work
In conclusion, we achieved our mid-term update goal of outputting a similar looking cat/dog given an input image of the opposite animal type. When we tried multiple images, we were able to achieve better results for dog images than cat images. There are various details we plan to work on and experiment with in the future. First, we want to try clustering dogs and cats separately to see if that generates better matches. We also would like to look into bolstering the feature representation by using texture features such as a Gabor filter.
After examination of our dataset, we saw that there were quite a few images that had poor lighting and/or had multiple animals in them. This could significantly affect the results of the system. So, another improvement would be to discard images with multiple animals and normalize lighting. As mentioned above, we only used 8,800 images for our training set, and we would aim to cluster more to generate better results.